martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Position Paper- 1rst Topic SPECPOL

Committee: SPECPOL
Student: Ricardo Martinez
Country: Saudi Arabia
School: Colegio Ingles
Topic: Addressing political tensions in Palestine

Palestine and Israel conflict has been a tragedy for a long time, they had tried to stop this eternal war but no one has the solution. The UN has tried peaceful trades, which haven’t done anything at all. This problem is not only affecting the military and the ones in the war but the innocent people too, people who is scared and doesn’t know what to do. Palestine and Israel are fighting for territory and they have been fighting for more than 60 years and no one has been able to stop it. These two countries are suffering of hunger, they are loosing lots of people, they are loosing military people and that means that they loose weapons as well. A frequent action in the UN program is that Palestine suggested GA (General Assembly) to be part of the UN but they recognized that Palestine is an Independent country.

Saudi Arabia is Non-aligned state whose foreign policy objectives are to maintain its security. Recently the UN had a meeting in Washington talking specifically about this topic, it is a very important topic since lots of lives are in risk of dying or getting really sick or hurt. Saudi Arabia as you might know doesn’t support neither Palestine neither Israel, but still Saudi Arabia assists to the meetings and give their point of view. Saudi Arabia is a founding member of the United Nations since my delegation signed the United Nations charter in 1945. Even do Saudi Arabia doesn’t support these countries my delegation has supported Palestinian rights sovereignty. In these past years Saudi Arabia is kind of changing their opinion and are helping Palestine in some ways like supporting them in the UN meetings. My delegation suggested some peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

My delegations solutions are to have a meeting in the General Assembly with both Palestine and Israel’s leader, and talk only about this topic for they to be able to get to one conclusion. My delegation is open to hear and support some other solutions. 

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

Cuento de los Simbolos Patrios- Español

Cuento de los Símbolos Patrios

Una ves mi abuelita nos invito a su casa donde estábamos festejando Independencia de México, donde mis primos y yo nos pusimos a jugar y a charlar, ya que hace ya varios meses que no nos veíamos. Mis primas y yo nos llevamos mucho ya que somos casi de la misma edad, estuvimos alrededor de 1 hora charlando entre nosotros, hasta que mi abuela llego y nos pregunto que si sabíamos el origen de nuestro país y su bandera. Mis primas me voltearon a ver ya que yo era el mas inteligente de nosotros, aunque la verdad ni yo sabia el real origen de la bandera y de mi país. "No abuela, no sabemos el verdadero significado.", le contestamos. Mi abuela nos pregunto que si nos gustaría saber y obviamente le contestamos que si.

Mi abuela empezó a contarnos que La Independencia de México marcó una etapa muy importante ya que se dejó de depender de España y se convirtió en un país libre y soberano, pero no fue sencillo obtenerla ya que el proceso duró 11 años de lucha y guerra del pueblo de México por obtener su libertad. Mi abuela nos dijo que ella respetaba mucho toda la historia pero lo que a ella mas le gustaba era el significado de la bandera y de cada uno de sus colores. Mi abuela nos empezó a explicar cada parte de la bandera, menciono que el significado de la bandera a cambiado atraves de los años pero el que ella nos conto es el que fue establecido por el entonces Presidente Benito Juárez. El argumentaba que el verde simboliza la esperanza del pueblo en el destino de su raza, el blanco representa la pureza de los ideales del pueblo, y el rojo simboliza la sangre que derramaron nuestros héroes por la patria, y en el centro de la bandera contiene un escudo que simboliza y tiene su origen en el jeroglífico que usaron los Aztecas para representar la fundación de Tenochtitlan. La leyenda narra que los Aztecas (una de las tribus indígenas más importantes que tuvo México) vivían tranquilos en Aztlán, cuando su Dios principal llamado Huitzilopochtli habló con los sacerdotes y les dijo que tenían que abandonar Aztlán para buscar una tierra nueva donde tendrían riquezas y poder, y sera ese lugar en donde nacería un nuevo pueblo; En el lugar mencionado encontraran un águila posada en un nopal devorando una serpiente por o que sabran que habrían llegado a la tierra prometida; después de aproximadamente 302 años encontraron la señal y ahí fundaron Tenochtitlán, y así, este acontecimiento es considerado como la fundación de México, y por su importancia se adoptó como símbolo del Escudo Nacional.

Mi abuela nos conto todo de lo que alcanzaba a recordar sobre México, por lo que mis primas y yo aprendimos demasiado. Al siguiente día en el colegio yo les conté a mis amigos sobre la experiencia y platica que tuve con mi abuela, y mis amigos me pidieron que les cuente todo sobre México, ya que es nuestro país y les interesaba saber todo lo que yo sabia. También le alcance a contar todo a mi maestra de Español, y estaba muy impresionada y feliz de que los niños de hoy se interesen por la historia de nuestro país.

Story Board The Lady or The Tiger LA

 This is  the story board about the story called The  
      Lady or the Tiger.

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2012

LA Lyrics- Breaking Free

Breaking Free – High School Musical
Interpreted by: Rodrigo Castillo, Patricio Guerra, Ricky Martinez

Rodrigo: We are sorry, and crying
There’s not a place where children can play and be,

Pato: And be happy,  
So they can be free,

Ricky: You know the World can see us,
Pato & Ricky: In a way thats different from who we are,

Pato: Creating peace between us,
Til’ we can go out,

Pato & Rorro: But our faith gives us strenght
Strenght to believe

Ricky: We are breaking free!

Rorro: We are sorry,  Ricky: and crying
Together:There’s not a place where children can play and be,
Pato: If we are trying,
Rorro:Yeah, we are breaking free
Ricky: Oh, we are breaking free

Rorro:Can you feel the difference?
How Monterrey would be  with freedom and peace,

Ricky: Connected by a feeling,
In our very souls Ohh,

Pato: Rising til’ it lifts us up,
So everyone can see!

Rorro: We are breaking free!
Ricky: We are sorry,  Pato: and crying
Rorro: There’s not a place where children can play and be,
If we are trying,
Ricky: Yeah, we are breaking free
Pato: Oh we are breaking free

Rorro: Oh, Can we? Ricky: Change this?
Pato: To get to that place,
Where people can play and be,

Now is the time,
So make a change
(make a change)

All: This is hope,
So we can,  Just be free,
And together we can see it coming,
More than you,
More than me,  This is us,
Making peace,  All of us,
Breaking free!

Rorro: We are sorry,  Ricky: and crying
Together:There’s not a place where children can play and be,
Pato: If we are trying,
Rorro:Yeah, we are breaking free
Ricky: Oh, we are breaking free

Rorro: Oh, Can we? Ricky: Change this?
Pato: To get to that place,
Where people can play and be,

Ricky: Now’s the time, so we’re breaking free (breaking free)

All: You know the World can see us,
In a way thats different from who we are.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

LA Wordle

Position Paper- 2nd Topic SPECPOL

Delegate: Ricardo Martinez
Committee: SPECPOL
Country: Saudi Arabia
School: Colegio Ingles
Topic: Reducing the threat of cyber warfare

Cyber warfare refers to politically motivated conduction of damage and spying. It is a form of information warfare sometimes seen as similar to usual warfare although this similarity is notorious for both its accuracy and its political impulse. Cyber warfare is internet-based disagreement involving many things this attacks can immobilize official websites and networks, disrupt necessary services, steal or modify classified data, and interrupt financial systems. The most effective protection against cyber warfare attacks is securing information and networks. Security updates should be applied to all because any weak system can be used to carry out attacks. This problem is a threat for the entire world and needs to be stopped on time because this may cause many serious problems already mentioned before. SPECPOL is trying to reduce the amount of threats of this kind of warfare by implementing good security systems.

My delegation has not so much problems with this kind of issues since in Saudi Arabia they do not have so much experience in technology and in such advances for them to be able to hack or try to damage other countries by using this kind of warfare. Since in Saudi Arabia they still do not manage cell phones with Internet installed, these threats are not being so frequently and are easier to stop. Although my delegation is still being aware of this problems and has launched new cyber security regulations which make it obligatory for Internet cafes and any other public place where you have access to internet to install hidden cameras and forbid anyone under 18 years of age from visiting them and use their services. Saudi Arabia is still worried about these problems because in future may cause many serious threats for the entire world, and is trying to prevent any main threat that may be done to any country.

Since cyber warfare has become a big threat among the world, my delegation proposes to continue with some solutions named before such as implementing new rules for cyber stores and to manage the web pages that the person or a company is using in any internet, even though the internet is private or has a code. Also Saudi Arabia proposes to find a way for not using cyber warfare for having big problems among nations and to control the Internet uses the most efficient way possible. As my delegation already stated we are not having so much trouble with this issue but it is still open to help with anything needed for getting a solution to reduce the threats that cyber warfare can cause among the world relations.