martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

Position Paper- 1rst Topic SPECPOL

Committee: SPECPOL
Student: Ricardo Martinez
Country: Saudi Arabia
School: Colegio Ingles
Topic: Addressing political tensions in Palestine

Palestine and Israel conflict has been a tragedy for a long time, they had tried to stop this eternal war but no one has the solution. The UN has tried peaceful trades, which haven’t done anything at all. This problem is not only affecting the military and the ones in the war but the innocent people too, people who is scared and doesn’t know what to do. Palestine and Israel are fighting for territory and they have been fighting for more than 60 years and no one has been able to stop it. These two countries are suffering of hunger, they are loosing lots of people, they are loosing military people and that means that they loose weapons as well. A frequent action in the UN program is that Palestine suggested GA (General Assembly) to be part of the UN but they recognized that Palestine is an Independent country.

Saudi Arabia is Non-aligned state whose foreign policy objectives are to maintain its security. Recently the UN had a meeting in Washington talking specifically about this topic, it is a very important topic since lots of lives are in risk of dying or getting really sick or hurt. Saudi Arabia as you might know doesn’t support neither Palestine neither Israel, but still Saudi Arabia assists to the meetings and give their point of view. Saudi Arabia is a founding member of the United Nations since my delegation signed the United Nations charter in 1945. Even do Saudi Arabia doesn’t support these countries my delegation has supported Palestinian rights sovereignty. In these past years Saudi Arabia is kind of changing their opinion and are helping Palestine in some ways like supporting them in the UN meetings. My delegation suggested some peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

My delegations solutions are to have a meeting in the General Assembly with both Palestine and Israel’s leader, and talk only about this topic for they to be able to get to one conclusion. My delegation is open to hear and support some other solutions. 

1 comentario:

  1. Your position paper is very interesting. It has many fatcs that really helps when debating. Also i would like to add that your solution is very good but you could complemented even more.
